Saturday, June 2, 2012

4th Grade Abstract Clay Sculptures

     In this lesson, students worked with clay, to form abstract sculptures.  After looking at examples of realistic sculptures compared to abstract sculptures, students were to come with their own idea of abstract forms that they could combine together, to create a sculpture.

Learning Targets:
I can...
- Combine clay forms to create an abstract sculpture
- Properly use the 4 S's (score, slip, smoosh, smooth)

Kindergarten Turkeys

     In this lesson, kindergartners created crayon resist turkeys, using oil pastels and watercolor paints.  First, students drew a turkey with pencil, and traced it with a white oil pastel.  Watercolor paints were then used to paint in the different parts of the turkey.  A trick I use with the students, when using watercolor paints, is to first make a "puddle" of water on top of their paint, then "tickle" the paint with their brush.  This will give you the correct amount of paint on your brush.  All the kids need to do, is remember 2 words...  puddle & tickle.  

3rd Grade Tint & Shade Birds

In this lesson, 3rd graders practiced mixing a variety of tints and shades.  Students started by drawing birds with pencil, showing space and depth by overlapping at least 2 of their birds.  Acrylic paint was then used to paint in the birds.  Students added white to their colors to mix a variety of tints, and added black to their colors to mix a variety of shades.  Texture rubs were then added to the background with crayon.

Learning Targets:
I can...
- Add white to a color to create a tint
- Add black to a color to create a shade
- show space and depth by overlapping objects

3rd Grade Symmetrical Line Drawings

     In this lesson, 3rd graders worked on creating line drawings and designs that were symmetrical.  With a ruler, students drew a line of symmetry down their paper.  Using a skinny Sharpie marker, symmetrical lines, shapes, and designs were then created on both sides of the line of symmetry.  Once the symmetrical designs were finished, tempera cake paints were used to add color to the background of the drawing.  Students chose whether they wanted to use warm colors, or cool colors in their background, and worked on blending between colors.  

Learning Targets:
I can...
- use lines, shapes, and designs to create a symmetrical piece of artwork
- show the difference between warm colors and cool colors
- blend colors of paint together