Tuesday, October 16, 2012

4th Grade Radial Designs

4th Grade Radial Designs
     4th graders learned about radial designs as art forms, as well as in everyday life.  A radial design has multiple lines of symmetry, and contains designs that are symmetrically balanced around a center point.  Students chose colored buttons to glue down onto a large piece of drawing paper.  The buttons were used as centers to base the radial designs off of.  Students used a compass, pencil, and free hand drawings to create their radial designs.  One goal of this project was to have at least 2 of the radial designs look like they were overlapping.  A fine tip Sharpie marker was used to outline the designs.  Colored pencils were used to add color to the radial designs, making sure the colors were balanced all the way around.  If the button (center point) was a warm color, then warm colors were used in the radial design.  If the button was a cool color, cool colors were used for adding color.  If the button was neutral, students chose whether or not to use neutral colors, warm, or cool.  Tempera cakes or chalk pastels were used to add color to the background.

Learning Targets:
1. I can create radial designs that are symmetrically balanced around a center point.
2. I can show the difference between warm colors and cool colors in my artwork.
3. I can show careful craftsmanship in my artwork.

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